

Matchlors uses custom profile pass numbers to help provide a more private form of communication than initially giving out member's name, phone numbers, email addresses or social sites info. Matchlors is not a service that guarantees any members or guest thereof safety or provides protection. If you feel like you are in danger call 911. A few safegaurds matchlors suggest but not limited to are:

1. Never post your personal information such as your name, address or places you frequent. 

2. Do not use business email address or emails with your name or initials. Emails addresses and phone numbers can possibly be used on the internet to look up your personal information. 

3. Meet your date in a public place.

4. Do not go out of town or to someone's home, nor invite someone to your home until you have established a committed relationship with them and/or feel safe and comfortable with them.

5. Ask pertinent questions and information to help gain insight of who you are getting to know.

6. Ask for a valid form of identification, such as a drivers license and work ID.

7. Google the person information.

8. Ask permission to run a background check on the person you are getting to know.

9. Keep minor age children away from people you are getting to know.

10. Before going out on a date, always tell a friend or family member where you are going and who you are meeting.

Your safety is something you should not take for granted. Always be careful and cautious while getting to know someone.

Matchlors will not be held liable for any harm, claims, demands, expenses, fees, penalties, suits, proceedings or actions. Matchlors shall not be held liable for any and all use, activities and services of Matchlors and Matchlors domain, events, memberships and promotions of Matchlors or by any affiliates, third parties or affiliations by or upon members, non-members, guest thereof, volunteers, or employees.

Matchlors will not be held liable for any damages caused by a third party or any unforeseen circumstances or damages, including hacks.